A cool thing that has happened recently is that I've been swapping headbands with gals from a forum i frequent for other cool things i want (makeup, fun things from asian shops, puppy treats, etc), which is a step in the right direction. I also made one with elastic this week but i didn't take a picture. It stays on well, but it kind squeezes my head- i like the tied ones better.
No, i still haven't made a youtube video but i have written step-by-step instructions! (Again, a step in the right direction):
Step 1: Find center of headband and center ontop of head. (hair should be pulled back, excepting any bangs you want out, whether your hair is going to be up or down. It's just easier)
Step 2: Tie a half knot at the nape of the neck.
Step 3: Criss cross the ends, wrapping them around each other until you reach the ends
Step 4: Twist this tail until it grows taught- tight enough to start to kink.
Step 5: Go with the kink, twisting the tail into a loop.
Step 6: Reach through the center of the loop and pull the excess through the hole to tighten the loop, leaving the ends inside- like a hairbun.
On a side note in my personal life, I've been doing other things to better my life outside of my art challenge:
-Cooking for myself (i'm really bad about feeding myself because i don't enjoy cooking and i don't like washing dishes-often there aren't any clean dishes to cook with) I'm easing into it with easy things- soups and sweets. Today was a veggie soup with hamburger and homemade french-style fudge. Bob also seems to be on a "make Samantha healthy" kick- he stocked me up on vitamins, viactiv (because every woman needs calcium), gummyvites (because i'll only take a multivitamin if it tastes yummy), glucosamine(for my bad wrist and joints), and folic acid (from my MIL. Bob said it was because I hurt myself all the time and as a metabolism booster it helps you build new cells- i said it was "hint hint- where's my grandkid" Bob's mom said it was both. lol)
-Getting into shape. i am generally considered "slender", but truth be told I am not "fit". When I work, I'm walking and lifting for 6-12 hours at a time, but my body is used to that, so i've started jogging. Nothing fancy, 5-10 minute jogs whenever i feel like it (about 4-6 days a week at random times of day), but it makes me feel better about myself.
-Gardening. This is the first place we have been where we have a yard that i can do something with. It's also the first place we've ever stayed for more than a year. I have a veggie garden, an herb garden, a thriving flower garden, a flower bed waiting on summer bulbs, and an arbor. It's the first time I've had a real tan in probably 5 years. I still have more seeds to add to the veggie garden. Even Bob is kind of getting into it- he planted strawberries. I'd like to issue a personal thanks to last year's halloween pumpkin for birthing a pumpkin plant and therefore the veggie garden around it.
well, that's all folks! til next week ;)
When I was about 16, we started growing our own pumpkins for Halloween, and it was always very awesome watching them grow. Since we rarely carved our pumpkins, we would just let them decompose in their plot after the holiday. It's not pretty, but it doesn't smell, plus, the seeds get fertilized.