I'm loving on my garden so i felt like adding pictures- i DID make it after all...

Firstly, my front door, surrounded in morning glories. I didn't put these here, but i love them, and i was quite put out to come home tonight and find that my landlord took it upon herself to rip out the vine going up the left hand side of the door in the picture(but the obnoxious vine growing under the house and into the basement that tries to choke out everything- THAT they leave growing. I'M the one who ripped it out from nearly strangling the roses but the morning glories, they need to go ::rolls eyes::). I was so close to having it framed in morning glory wonderousness...

This is my flower garden. Most of the flowers are currently done(entire bottom left is columbine) or not yet blooming. Bob bought me the little fairy... The landlord mentioned that the little fence wouldn't keep the bunnies out and i admitted that i put it there to keep their lawnmower and weedwacker out (i've had several plants mowed/wacked since we moved in a year ago) and could care less about the bunnies. It may sound harsh but as evident from the morning glory situation- i have reason to partition plants i don't want destroyed. I have another flower garden bordering the side of the house that faces the yard, but i just planted summer bulbs so all it has in it right now is a small forsythia bush, a bleeding heart, and a garden gnome- not much to look at.

This is my herb garden, mostly overflowing with mint. There's lemonbalm on the right, a variety of small herbs on the left (lavender, thyme, basil, parsley, chives) and some cilantro hidden on the other side of the mint. There is a small lilac bush in the right hand corner not pictured.

My little veggie garden. It's only existed for about a week and a half and it's shaped like a stretched out half-circle. On the left, behind the flower garden, you see the pumpkin vine borne of last year's halloween pumpkin. next to it in the dirt is a bit of the vine i dug up on the off chance landlord decided to whack my pumpkin vine (though i told both the landlord and her son who does the mowing that it is a pumpkin and i want it there, one can never be too careful). Then there's carrots, cucumber, turnips, zucchini, radishes, jalapenos, cayenne peppers, and a tomato plant. the whole front is lined with lettuce seeds which i hope will grow. I also have little pots of planting soil with some tiny cherry tomato plants and more lettuce seeds.
I'm still contemplating this week's "art project". I may be compelled to paint...feeling some watercolor...
edit: i did go out to the weeded pile and pull out a very long rope of morning glories with roots still attached at the end and put the roots in the ground and tuck the vine up the side of the door. If it dies, i'll rip it out, but at least i tried. It's from the side of the house that i don't care for. There are 2 gardens I don't touch on either side of the house- one is full of some green and white leafy thing that was clearly planted there and overtook interspersed with irises, daffodils, and queen anne's lace. I tried to add a plant there once and it didn't go well so i leave it alone. The other side of the house (where we park our cars) is a mess of weeds, evil vines, a cute ground-variety of phlox they plant here in Hershey (which she whacked with the rest of it in the spring) and more morning glories which i am happy to have (and she rips out). In this garden, all i touch is the rose bush and the rose of sharon bush to keep the evil vines from killing them because the garden is just not worth saving. By the door there are tigerlillies which again, i only touch to unstrangle. I planted hyacinths in this little front door garden near the tigerlillies(which they weedwhacked to the ground in the spring) and a mum on the other side of the porch step (which they weedwhacked to the ground in the spring). I think i just need to repossess all of the gardens touching the house and then she won't touch them anymore. This may be the best policy...