Friday, February 25, 2011

Week 50

This week, I went for more a refurbishment than a total creation. I took one of Bob's old xbox controllers, and I modified it for a steampunk appeal.

Steampunk inspired xbox360 controller

I painted it with permanamel paint. The base color is gold mixed with brown for a bronzey color and the buttons are gold mixed with amber for a more brassy color. I also used an embossed two-tone leather/pleather, and some 20gauge copper wire coils.They're actually the same links I use in jewelry but on a much tinier/more delicate scale. I used the hook part of each link as a clamp to slide it onto the leather and crimp it on. It is isn't perfect, but overall I'm pretty proud of it.
I think it's pretty cool how well the new modded controller fits in with some of Bob's other stuff:

Controller next to Bob's favorite watch and sunglasses

For reference, these are what Bob's other controllers look like. They come white, and some people (like Bob) buy "skins"/decals to add a little more personality to them.

regular xbox controllers with decals
Pretty big difference, huh?

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