The last week of July I made a summer dress. You haven't seen it before, but it's actually the same one(copy) I made as a gift in April for my sister. The fabric was just too cute and I had just enough fabric for 2 if I made mine a little on the short side. lol.
This week I made 2 more boleros. At my retail job, I can wear pretty much anything I want so long as it's on the nicer side and and my back and shoulders are covered, so these are lace boleros that I can throw over my summer dresses (most of which don't cover my back or shoulders). The really great thing about them being lace is that i didn't have to line them or topstitch them, so they only take about 15-20 minutes to make, even with utilizing the scalloped edge (which means adding a seam to the curved edge to make the scallop trim follow it). Have I told you how much I LOVE my serger? oh I have? well, I really do love my serger...
Also, I didn't make this, but it's too cute not to share. We sell this where I work and I forgot to buy it and I was trully a little obsessed with it for weeks, so Bob bought it for my birthday. It's a rubber ducky tea infuser!!! See the lil ducky in my cup?!?!? TOO CUTE!!!
And remember how my tattoo is allowed to show at my retail job but not at my restaurant job? Look what a little makeup can do:
That's primer, cream concealer, and foundation my friends. Now you see it, now you don't. It lasts about 3-4 hours before needing a touch up. Longer if I REALLY put the time into covering it up. Pretty much all of those coverups are waterproof and I have to really scrub to get them off at the end of the day.
I picked up a lot of beach glass(i have a BLUE piece!!! happy dance!) and crinoids (never heard of them before? me neither. they're broken up pieces of a fossilized creature and they pretty much look like fossilized cheerios. They're also called indian beads and are primarily found in the midwest. I didn't ask Bob to show me what they were until more than halfway through our trip, but I picked up about 30-40 of them) so I will undoubtedly be turning them into something soon. Bob wants me to turn the really big pieces of beach glass (we have the bottom of a mason jar and part of a wine bottle) into some kind of a windchime so we'll see. My daddy also gave me his old kiln for my birthday, so at some point I'm going to tackle my PMC (precious metal clay. Molds like clay, cooks to 99.9% metal jewelry) and bottle slumping (heating up old bottles just enough for them to collapse into a plaster mold- making wine bottle cheeseboards and other cool stuff). My posts aren't going to be as frequent, but when they're further apart, they'll have more cool stuff in them.